Wednesday, September 17, 2008

how cats can make you do things you don't really have a strong desire to do.

so, yesterday afternoon, i was working away in my new home office location when i happened to look up and look out the window. what did i see? my crazy yellow cat walking down the sidewalk to the house next door. so, naturally, i called after him through the open window (it was nice a breezy yesterday). he started walking down our driveway towards the gate, so i headed down to open the gate. he decided at the last minute he didn't want to come through the gate so i left the gate open and piddled around with the flower beds hoping he'd go ahead and come on back in the yard.
i ended up piddling with the flower beds for about 3 hours or more until everything had been uprooted and moved and replanted. i shit you not.
somewhere towards the end of the 3+ hours, petey decided he was ready to come home but couldn't for the life of him figure out how to get back into the yard from the neighbor's yard. i had to lean over the fence and pick him up by the scruff of his neck (and yes he did have to stretch a good bit towards me so i could even reach him). he was promptly locked inside the house. he sat at the french doors staring out and "meow"-ing.
melanie & noah came over. i haven't seen them in well over a week or more. it was so good to see them. of course, melanie was like "what the heck are you doing?!!!" she always shows up when everything looks its worse. she thinks i'm a total slob.
so that's how i got a whole new, cleaned up, nicer looking set of flower beds against my front fence. i have petey to thank for that :-)


Stew Magoo said...

Cats are fantastic. If you get a chance try making "cat-kabobs".

Anonymous said...

What? No pictures?

Arwen said...

I've never reorganized my garden due to cats (our three are indoors, only), but I certainly have completely revamped a room because of them!

How are you!?

jac said...

well, i almost killed the remaining plants since i haven't watered them. but i did water the dead and half dead ones today. :-)

jac said...

ok. so they are dead. shall we say a prayer of eulogy?