Monday, March 20, 2006

static no more.

wow i took a longer blog-break than intended. life has been hectic folks. please do accept my apologies. i had a job interview out of state. needless to say, i was quite nervous prior to the trip and had quite a lot on my plate when i returned. the interview went fine and i feel good about the impression that i made. who knows, i may even have a shot at the job. it was a great experience regardless of the outcome.

on Tuesday, March 21st, please be sure to stop by so i stabbed him in the head with a fork and wish fauve a happy happy happy birthday! she's just the bestest, sweetest, funniest, and sexiest gal i know (ok ONE of the bestest, sweetest, funniest, & sexiest).


ƒåυνέ said...

You are too friggin' cute!

Shannon said...

Hi - Michele sent me. Best of luck with your job interview.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear the interview went well. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the job thingy...

Redneck Mommy said...

Greetings Jac! Here's hoping the interview was a success. Michele sent me!