Wednesday, March 01, 2006


i have rented out my sidebar! but hey, wait, i'm a good landlord. i provide cheese & crackers and endless amounts of diet coke mountain dew for my wonderful & talented tenants. of course, they are of the virtual variety.

please take a moment to visit Mystickal Incense & More today! say HI and let her know Jacque sent you over! she loves visitors, but be sure to wipe your feet before you go in.


barbie2be said...

hiya! michele sent me. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Thank you so much for the write-up of my blog here :) I'm not much for diet coke *uck!* but I'll take a Mountain Dew! And cheese and crackers are always great!

Thank you very much for accepting my bid, I'm looking forward to being your renter for the week!

vanx said...

Hi. I went to Stephanie's place just last night to thank her for some good advice she gave me over the weekend re blog management. I took her up on it. I'll stop by again and tell her you suggested doing so.
